LPDC Chair: Susan Newman sunewman@daytonpublic.com
In the DEA Contract, Article 31 discusses LPDC.
Steps for IPDP
From DPS Human Resources:Attention licensed teachers, psychologists, interpreters, counselors, and administrators, please see below for November LPDC updates.
FMX Requests
*If you submit a request and do not receive an email from the LPDC within 3 days saying that it was received, please call x3153.
2023 Renewals: ODE Window Opening Soon
The ODE window for renewing your license that expires June 30, 2023 should be opening soon. Keep your eye on next month’s update email for more information.
Approved Professional Development (PD)
Any PD or coursework that ties to an accredited university or is accredited by IACET automatically counts towards renewal. In addition, PD provided by DPS, ODE, Infohio, MCESC, PAX, National Deaf Center, or Miami Valley Regional Center is accepted. For PreK teachers, Ohio-approved OCCRRA classes are approved.
Online Coursework
Since COVID, there have been many companies who have created online courses for “credit.” Many of them require very little from the participant beyond registering. Therefore, if you want to take online coursework that is not directly through an approved provider listed in the above section, you will need to send the name of that website to this LPDC email address so that the committee can review the site to determine if those PD hours can count towards renewal.
The following websites have already been vetted by the committee and are automatically accepted for PD, as long as the classes can be tied to your position.
Coursework Documentation
If your approved PD is documented in our DPS PD system, TeachPoint, you do not need to provide certificates. If it is not in TeachPoint, please ensure that you receive documentation that displays the number of hours earned.
Equivalent Activity Proposal (EAP)
In the LPDC manual, there are activities that can be counted towards renewal that are not standard Professional Development (PD.) If you choose to participate in one of those activities, you will need to get pre-approved by the committee for PD hours.The EAP form is included in the attachments below. After completing the form, you must email it to this LPDC email address before beginning the activity if you are hoping to earn accepted PD hours. If it is pre-approved, it will be returned to you with approval signatures. After the activity is completed, you will resubmit that approved form as well as all documentation. See the LPDC Manual for more information.
Demonstration Videos
Next Meeting
Our next meeting to review LPDC submissions is November 16th. If you want your information on the agenda for November 16th, please ensure that you submit your request by noon on November 15th.
1. LPDC Meeting Schedule
2. LPDC Committee Members
3. LPDC Manual
4. Equivalent Activity Proposal (EAP) Form
If you have any questions after reviewing the manual, please feel free to call x3153. Have a great day!
Dayton City LPDC IRN: 014056